Work Experience____

Software Developer . PIP Empire

Build and maintain the web application from scratch using React, NextJS, and Tailwind to create reusable UI components. Work closely with cross-functional teams, including developers, designers, and stakeholders to implement and advocate for the best practices in web accessibility.

JavaScript React NextJS Tailwind

MAR 2024 - PRESENT____

Associate Software Engineer . East Side Games Studio

Used Unity, C#, and ActionScript to build new UI features and maintain, and updated the existing codebase, documentation, Ad Monetization tools and SDK packages of 5 to 6 different projects, including Steam and mobile Idle games.

Unity C# Steam Jenkins

MAY 2021 - AUG 2023____

Volunteer Work____

Software Engineer . GoodBot

Implement an input system to save user data in the database via API calls using React and NextJS. Assist the UX design team in redesigning an MVP web application.

JavaScript React NextJS Tailwind

JAN 2024 - PRESENT____

Mobile Developer . iContribute

Built the redesign of the existing mobile application with React Native and Bootstrap. Participated in code reviews and peer programming.

React Native Bootstrap Figma

JAN 2022 - SEP 2022____

Atena Razm

Software Developer

When I moved to Canada in 2019, I decided to have a career switch to do something more creative and less extroverted. Thanks to my background in business and hospitality, I already had the essential soft skills to be successful in any industry, and just needed to figure out the tech side of things. So, I enrolled in a Web Development program at BCIT for the start. It wasn't easy at all, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made!

View Full Résumé
a picture of Atena Razm

My Web Projects____

Travel Packing List

This web application to make a list of items you want to pack for your next cool trip, sort your items, check them once you packed, delete them from the list, and eventually clear up your list once you are done! It calculates and displays the number of items in the list and the number and percentage of the ones you still need to pack. It's coded on React, and I did not use any CSS libraries or frameworks for this one.

React JavaScript CSS3
a picture of Travel List application
My Interactive Resume

This web application you are visiting right now is one of my personal projects, designed and coded by myself in HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript without using any libraries or frameworks. I used to deploy it.

a picture of my interactive resume website
Hatchways Student Assessment

This is the Hatchways assessment, done with React and Redux. find the.

XML React Redux Bootstrap
a picture of the Hatchways Project
Learn React Platform

This is the small platform for students to improve their React knowledge and skills with the help of Flash cards, setting up due dates for their learnign goals, and getting little inspiration messages along the way! The project is done with React, and it's still improving and changing as I work on it.

React CSS
a picture of the learn-react Project
To-Do App

A basic ToDoApp created with React, Bootstrap, and JSON Placeholder API. It fetches a list of ToDo items from the backend and displays them in cards after the first render. It lets the user filter the list, add, edit, and delete them.

API Calls JSON React Bootstrap
a picture of the ToDoApp Project
Boulevard Dry Cleaners Website

I designed and made this website for a local dry cleaner using WordPress, Elementor, and some custom CSS code. The content and the owner's photos are chosen based on the business values and unique attributes and services.

WordPress Elementor CSS
a picture of the dry cleaner's website

My Game Projects____

Level-Up 3D Game

A 3D game with two levels created on Unity using C#, Unity Physics, Assets, Prefabs, Particle System, and Audio System. The player character moves around and jumps with AWSD/Arrow keys. The player should collect all of the coins and get to the End Flag within 60 seconds to pass a level. The reb boxes kill the player, and the bonfires reduce his health!

2D Unity C# Sound System Audio System Input System UI System Unity Particles
a picture of Level-Up Game
Shooter 2D Game Demo

A 2D shooting platform game demo created on Unity using C#, the New Input System, Animation System, and Unity Physics. Note that this is not a full game yet, and I'm still working on it in my free time!

2D Unity C# Sound System Audio System Input System Sprite Animation
a picture of Level-Up Game
EvoCatcher 2D Game

A 2D, suika-like game, where the players must catch the falling species to reach their final evolution. This project was done in a Game Jam with a few other talented teammates, and I was the Gameplay Programmer of the project. I coded the game on Unity using C#, the New Input System, Collider and Unity Physics.

2D Unity C# Sound System Input System UI System
a picture of EvoCatcher Game